Great Tit

Rachel Ray Just Go Away

It seems like everyone agrees with me.  I know best. Ugghh.  I get nauseous just looking at the picture below.  She should try getting by on forty bucks a week like me.  Then I might be impressed.  Not.

That reminds me, I had to do a double take when I first read these headlines.  I would’ve sworn it said “Rachel Ray Helps out in Porn.”

Quick question:  What’s the name of the other lady on the Food Network that comes on right after the nasty woman pictured above?  I just wanted to make the comment that her head is wayyyyyy too big for her body.

T. Boone’s At it Again

T. Boone Pickens, that slippery old oil tycoon turned hedge fund manager, made a call the other day that oil will hit probably hit an all time high this year.  His calls on oil have been pretty much dead on the last couple of years, as evident by the one billion dollars he made last year on his oil and natty gas bets– errr I mean investments.

HydroRon’s Grow Kit

This kit comes with everything you need to make an eleven cup hydorponic grow station.  I would be tempted to but it if we weren’t now just entering outdoor gardening season.  I’ll probably bookmark the page and buy it this fall.  $190.  If I weren’t so lazy, I could build it from scratch for half the amount.  It comes with the following:


10 Gallon Reservoir


11-32 oz white bottles &


16 oz solo cups


237 GPH Pump


Grow Rocks


12 oz pH Up & Down


5 lb. Nutrient Solution


24 Hour Timer


Complete instructions included


2007 Tree Plantings

I planted two semi-dwarf Hale Haven peach trees yesterday, and one Lapins sweet cherry tree a couple of weeks ago.  I’ve noticed that I sleep good at night after planting trees.  With some luck, in a few years I’ll have a harvest like the pictures below.

Bee Collapse– The Great DieOff Begins?

Taking a quote from the article:

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man,” said Albert Einstein.